Ketika kita melihat seseorang yang terlihat seperti sedang kesusahan atau sedang butuh bantuan, Offering Help ini kita gunakan untuk menawarkan sebuah bantuan kepada orang yang sedang kesusahan tersebut. Ada berbagai ungkapan yang dapat kita utarakan, lengkapnya sebagai berikut.
- May I help you?
- Can I help you?
- Are you looking for something?
- Would you like any help?
- Do you need some help?
- What can I do for you?
- Can I give you a hand?
- Do you need any help?
- May I offer assistance?
- Need any help?
- Let me help you with....
- Let me...For you
- Can I solve your problem?
- There are something can I do?
Itu adalah ungkapan yang bisa kita ucapkan ketika menawarkan bantuan kepada orang lain. Lantas bagaimana jika orang lain yang menawarkan bantuan kepada kita? apa yang dapat kita ucapkan untuk merespon pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas? Kalian bisa jawab
- Thanks
- Thank you
- Thanks a lot
- Yes, please
- That would be great
- Sure
- With pleasure
- Of course
- No, thanks
- I'd like to, but ...
- That would be great, but ...
Contoh Conversation Offering Help
- Bella : Would you like me to help you with your new project?
- Mich : That would be great. Do you want to help with designing or the mapping part?
- Bella : I am good at graphic design. I prefer doing the designing part.
- Mich : Excellent! You'll be working alone on that part. It's OK for you?
- Bella : It's OK, but I will ask others for some suggestions.
- Mich : We will have the first meeting next friday. Could you join us?
- Bella : Sure. I'm free on friday.
- Mich : Please send me your personal data before the meeting so I can look at it.
- Bella : I can send it to you soon.
- Mich : Alright. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week.
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